Animation Rush is a dynamic hub for animation enthusiasts, professionals, and creators, offering innovative tools and resources to bring ideas to life. From captivating 2D motion to immersive 3D experiences, Animation Rush empowers users to craft visually stunning projects that engage and inspire. Whether you're creating for entertainment, education, or business, Animation Rush provides cutting-edge solutions to elevate your storytelling and make every frame count.

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members 11 to 50

dollar $26 - $50

founded 2012

location USA

Focus Area

Video Production
Small Business (<$10M)
Medium Business ($10M to ­$1B)
Large Business (>$1B)
Media & Entertainment
Real Estate
Information Technology

Animation Rush Team Info

Harry Smith
Harry Smith

Video Editor

John Bree
John Bree

2D Designer

Animation Rush Locations


41 Winthrop Rd, Edison, New Jersey USA - 08817
Phone 5515543283

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