Cutting-edge IT Solutions:

Mobile Development: Engineered to perfection, crafting seamless and captivating mobile experiences that resonate with your audience. From intuitive applications to high-performance solutions, our mobile development services redefine digital engagement.

Web Development: Beyond simple websites, we specialize in constructing robust platforms, extensive e-commerce solutions, and dynamic web applications. Your online presence is not just a page; it's a powerful digital platform.

Custom Software Development: Precision-crafted solutions tailored to seamlessly align with your distinctive business requirements. From scalable architectures to efficient workflows, our custom ...

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members 11 to 50

dollar $51 - $100

founded 2016

location Estonia, Ukraine

Focus Area


EXTELA Locations


Lasnamäe linnaosa, Katusepapi tn 6-502, Tallinn, Harju County Estonia

Our Office

Antonovicha 121, Lviv, Lviv Ukraine

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