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List of Top Blockchain Technology Companies | Top Blockchain Developers | Hire Blockchain Developers

Uplogic Technologies Pvt Ltd

Inspiring Startups & Reliable Enterprises

3.6 stars stars stars stars stars 5 3.6

members 11 to 50

dollar < $25 /hr

building IBM Blockchain

location India

Uplogic Technologies, is a global Web, IT & Mobile App outsourcing company. We are well organized with a team of Professional Experts who has strong skills and expertise in Digital Products. Whether you are Enterprise looking to enhance or a startup looking to take flight off, We enrich you with cutting-edge technology for a road to Win in global markets. Read More About Uplogic Technologies Pvt Ltd

KodeGlobe Technologies

Where Your Dreams Begin Their Journey

3.0 stars stars stars stars 4 3.0 stars 5 3.0

members 51 to 250

dollar < $25 /hr

building IBM Blockchain

location India

Kodeglobe is a rapidly growing new generation I.T. Solution company dedicated to revolutionizing the development industry, by disrupting the price cartelization in the IT industry and offering a bleeding-edge quality of development. Read More About KodeGlobe Technologies

Hyperlink InfoSystem

Best Android & iPhone App Development Services

4.4 stars stars stars stars stars

members 251 to 1000

dollar < $25 /hr

building IBM Blockchain

location India

Hyperlink InfoSystem is a top mobile app development company headquartered in Ahmedabad, India, and has offices in the USA, UK, Canada, France, UAE, And Australia. With 9+ years of experience in Information and Technology, Hyperlink InfoSystem has deployed 4000+ Apps with excellent quality technologies and ideas. Read More About Hyperlink InfoSystem

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Unified Infotech

Your End-To-End Web & Mobile Solution Partners

4.0 stars stars stars stars stars 5 4.0

members 51 to 250

dollar $26 - $50 /hr

building IBM Blockchain

location India, USA

Unified Infotech is an Award Winning technology company working with global Enterprises, SME’s and forward-thinking Start-Ups as their end-to-end solution partners for custom-tailored software, web and mobile apps. Through a combination of smart planning, design thinking approach, and the latest technologies, we help our clients to accelerate their business efficiency. Read More About Unified Infotech


We Engineer Software Solutions

3.8 stars stars stars stars stars 5 3.8

members 251 to 1000

dollar $26 - $50 /hr

building IBM Blockchain

location USA

Tkxel is a Global Custom Software Development company. We partner with enterprise clients and SMEs to elevate their value through innovative technologies. Our experts, located across Europe, US and Asia provide our clients with a wide range of software services to turn their key business requirements into dynamic software solutions. Read More About Tkxel


Dedicated team for your top-notch startup idea

3.9 stars stars stars stars stars 5 3.9

members 51 to 250

dollar $26 - $50 /hr

building IBM Blockchain

Brocoders is an outsourcing software development and consultancy company which is focused on Web & Mobile Development Services. We’ve completed over 50 projects for the businesses of all sizes worldwide. Read More About Brocoders

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Benefits of the IBM Blockchain platform:

  1. Dependability: You build a proven blockchain platform that is already successful across industries. IBM platform is recognized as an industry leader by Juniper Research, IDC, Everest Group, HFS Research, and BRG among others
  2. Growth & Flexibility: As the network grows, one can easily add other organizations with different on-premises IT infrastructures, using IBM blockchain’s advanced governance tools that makes invitation and addition super easy
  3. Productivity & ROI: Tutorials, advanced developer and operator productivity tools help increase productivity and ROI
  4. Open by design: IBM Blockchain Platform is built on the open source, community-based hyperledger Fabric platform from the Linux Foundation. One can avoid the restriction of vendor lock-in with an open source code base and support for on-premises infrastructures as well as third-party clouds

Why use a blockchain platform?
The IBM Blockchain Platform has been engineered to help you build, operate, govern and grow your solution over its entire lifecycle.

  1. Build: VS Code Extension, local testing environment, smart contract samples help developers know how to build blockchain networks.
  2. Operate: Award-winning design & APIs to get the most from key enterprise-grade features, including monitoring, high performance, high availability and added security.
  3. Govern: Frameworks for deploying business logic and instantiating smart contracts. Define member organizations endorsing transactions and policies they must follow.
  4. Grow: Pay only for what you use. No need for upfront investment. Upgrade easily through Kubernetes. There is no vendor lock-in due to which one can retain ownership of everything that is created.